Untold Stories of the ER
These true stories demonstrate the dramatic nature of medicine practiced under pressure, where every moment can be a turning point. See how a doctor's personal blend of expertise and decision-making ability are challenged by unpredictable circumstances.
Jaws Of Life
A car packed with teenage girls crashes into a fence, and a pole shoots through the windshield into the driver.
A Day At The Beach
A young boy is attacked by a shark and comes close to death as surgeons battle to save his life.
Say Your Prayers
A man is bitten by a deadly rattlesnake, but because of religious reasons cannot receive a blood transfusion. Will he survive?
A Life In Their Hands
A young girl comes into the ER and can't move from the waist down. Her parents are angry as the doctors sent her home a week earlier.
Code Grenn In The ER
Doctors perform a chest incision while awaiting surgeons; an iguana is brought in following a car accident.
Exorcism In The ER
A man goes into anaphylactic shock; a tough guy fears needles; a man stabs himself with a ninja sword; a patient believes she needs an exorcism.
The Golden Hour
A soldier comes into the ER with a stab wound, and a woman overdoses on diet pills.
Toilet Paper Eating Patient
A woman complains of stomach pains after eating toilet paper; an inmate has a 108-degree fever.
Long Live The King
Doctors are baffled when a retired admiral is brought in and they don't understand what is making him grow weaker by the day.
Coma Woman Surprise
Doctors must decide whether to put a hole in a teenager's head who has a serious head trauma to relieve pressure, or wait for more help.
Til Death Do Us Part
When a bride on her way to her wedding suffers facial injuries in a car accident she's rushed to the ER.
Mystery Of The Traveling Bullet
A patient is brought into the ER after being shot in the thigh. Doctors can't find the bullet and are concerned when the patient gets chest pains.
An ER Miracle
A young boy is taken to the ER after being in a horrific accident. His head is severed and doctors race to save his life.
A Real Pain In The Neck
A man is rushed into the ER with a 16 inch bar protruding from his neck; doctors try to figure out how they can remove it.
From ER To Rushing River
A young boy's feet have been crushed by a train, and the ER surgeons have to work really hard to save his life.