Ice Pilots NWT
Et excentrisk flyselskab og dets brogede besætning flyver veteranfly på umulige arktiske missioner. Buffalo Airways tiltrækker unge piloter, der søger eventyr og chancen for at flyve store fly fra en svunden tid.
Frozen Four
As Joe fights a Transport Canada claim against the airline, star pilot Justin is tasked with shipping an 8,000lb generator to a remote town. But a controversial decision results in the DC-4 becoming stranded and frozen solid on a High Arctic airstrip.
Fire and Ice
When a deadly fire destroys a northern outpost a week before Christmas, Buffalo puts everything aside to come to the rescue. Cargo Manager Kelly receives a shocking diagnosis that renews her fight to quit smoking.
Under Pressure
The curse of -40 hits Buffalo pilots Devan and Scott on a food mail flight up the Mackenzie Valley when a mysterious rise in oil pressure threatens to destroy one of the C-46's engines.
The Right Stuff
Mikey goes on a treasure hunt to Venezuela for a rare CL-215 waterbomber. Cargo Manager Kelly's stress levels hit a new high when she returns from her Mexican vacation in even worse health than when she left.
The River Lift
A vital ferry link is down, so Buffalo mounts an all-out campaign to airlift 100,000lbs of essential goods across the Mackenzie River.
Don't Muck with Chuck
Crusty mechanic Chuck leads the scramble to ready the Electra for a disaster relief mission in Haiti, but fate's curveball sends them to the High Arctic instead.
The Finish Line
A multi-stop mission to the Far North has Devan, Scott and Adam facing a series of white- knuckle obstacles.
Ski Plane
Young pilots AJ and Andrew get the chance of a lifetime to fly the magnificent DC-3 specially equipped with skis to land on frozen strips.
Buffalo Scores
Buffalo scores the charter of a lifetime when they're asked to transport the Stanley Cup on a tour of the North. Cup fever spreads quickly around Buffalo, and for Mikey, what begins as an innocent love for this hockey icon soon becomes an obsession.
Special Delivery
Chief Pilot Arnie lands the DC-3 on a homemade sand strip at a remote lodge. Electra expert Chuck goes one-on-one with a stubborn power unit, and Rod's wife Sasha goes into labour with the newest member of the McBryan family.
When thunderstorms and a shaking engine threaten a DC-3 charter to Whitehorse, Joe pulls out all the stops to get the passengers to their destination.
British Invasion
oe and Mikey head off to Coventry, England to navigate the potential purchase of an Electra turboprop to add to Buffalo's fleet of fire-fighting tanker planes.
Arnie Calls It
While training waterbomber captains for the upcoming fire-fighting season, Chief Pilot Arnie makes a surprising decision. AJ becomes a DC-4 captain and ponders whether to accept a promotion.