Return of the Bible Plagues
In order to force the Egyptians to let His people go, according to the Bible, God sent ten plagues upon Egypt. He let animals and weather play havoc, caused the outbreak of diseases, sent pestilence and swarms of locusts.
Deadly Waters
With water pollution and temperatures on the rise, toxic algae cause serious problems nowadays for inland waters and for the oceans.
Even today, two million people die every year from malaria transmitted by mosquitoes, mainly in Africa. But even in the Upper Rhine valley, where malaria was still rampant only a century ago
Mostly on the edge of mountain ranges such as the Alps and the Rocky Mountains, hail and heavy rain have devastating effects today in conjunction with global warming.
Swarms of locusts are still a very real plague today. They afflict drought areas, especially after a rare rainfall, leaving a trail of destruction behind.
Dust storms frequently paralyze public life during the storm season in many of the most arid regions of the Earth, burying roads and human settlements.