Di-Gata Defenders
DI-GATA Defenders follows the legendary quest of four young heroes as they encounter colorful villains, strange and unique creatures, and exotic locales over the course of their journey.
Doom Chase
Mel and Erik have eluded their sand Nomad pursuers and are hiding out in a dojo, while Mel recuperates. Seth has struck a deal with Doku, an embittered wizard who promises him the location of Nazmul's secret Keep. In exchange for Seth's word that he will destroy Brakus. To make sure that Seth holds up his end of the bargain, Doku reveals that he is holding Kara hostage. She has already been infected with poison of the Saviped spider. Seth has six hours before the antidote becomes useless. Six hours in which he must find out if he is capable of breaking the warriors code by committing cold-blooded murder. While Kara's life hangs in the balance.
On the run from Malco and Flinch and The Sand Nomads who have overrun the Dojo, Mel and Erik encounter Bo, a brash young stone slinger who tells them of a warrior cult competition being held in a nearby county. They quickly realize the trophy is nothing other than one of the prized pure stones. As Mel and Erik make their way into the heart of the enemy camp and fight their way to the trophy, Seth carries a gravely ill Kara into the Ban Yo swamp in search of the antidote that will save her life.
Mel dreams of a long-lost monastery and a pure stone hidden there. Nazmul can read her dream and decides that it is Mel – the possessor of such power, whose body he must have as the host for his incorporeal being.
Den of Thieves
Eluding bounty hunters, the rascally Adam charms his way into the Defenders encampment only to steal away in the night with their pure stones. His trail leads them to a den of thieves where an arms auction is being held with the main attraction the prized pure stone. Tricking their way into the den of thieves, The Defenders discover that Adam had only borrowed the stone to stave off creditors and had every intention of stealing it back. When Mel is captured, the Defenders are in disarray, until Adam steps up to the plate. Using the phase stone, he frees Mel, helps to destroy the encampment and helps the defenders escape with the stones. The Defenders realize that Adam, for better or worse is someone who is becoming inextricably tangled in their lives.
Kara is still feeling the effects of the spider poison, and Mel is suffering from spontaneous and draining eruptions of psychic power, The Defenders head for the legendary Nexus, over the centuries a traditional place of healing for Di-Gata defenders. But they find that the Nexus is not what it seems. Kali, a shape-shifting agent of Nazmul has been charged with obtaining a body host for the ethereal Nazmul. Disguising herself as the Keeper of the Nexus, she welcomes them inside. And as Kara's wizard-like powers start to manifest themselves, Kali decides that Kara not Mel should be the one Nazmul seeks.
Barely escaping the Nexus with their lives, the Defenders set out for the Pinnacle, an ancient Di-Gata training temple. On the way they find themselves in a countryside ravaged by the attack of the Obelisks, an army of war machines created for Nazmul by Flinch. Erik and Kara stay behind to try, against all odds, to stop the ravages of these war machines, while Seth and Mel head for The Pinnacle to hopefully cure Mel of her wizard attacks. Once at the Pinnacle both Mel and Seth undergo a healing, but for Seth, the healing is more than just physical. He must face the inner demons that haunt him. He must face Omniaxor, his father's Guardian the one Seth blames for his father's death.
Dark Descent
The defenders discover The Machine of Binding and Erik devises a plan to re-wire the machine to enable it to draw the pure stones to it. But their plan is foiled by an attack of Automatons a creation of Flinch, now working for Nazmul that suck the water from Erik's body. As Erik lies, gravely ill, a strange metamorphosis is taking place within Seth's body. He is sucked into his Guardian stone wherein he begins to slowly merge with his Guardian Kraggus. It's a change that will affect Seth both physically and psychologically and which may affect the outcome of their mission.
The Cycle
Nazmul has undertaken a secret quest for immortality that sends his team to an underground palace which once housed an ancient King who is rumored to have achieved eternal life. The Defenders arrive at the underground palace only to unleash an ancient force that may well rival the Megalith in its ferocity.
What Lies Beneath
Seth who by now is prone to fits of fury due to his now hideous appearance deserts the defenders in a fit of rage. The rest of the Defenders stop to help a caravan of refugees fleeing the war ravaged countryside for the safety of the Arboth, unaware that Brackus and his Mercenaries are descending on the village of Arboth as well, having identified it as the source of the Di-Gata stones from which the pure stones are carved. The Defenders choose to stay and, against all odds, help the peaceful Arbothians repel the invaders. The cause seems hopeless until Seth, having remembered his calling and his duty, returns to save the day.
The Returning
The Defenders locate the third stone; hidden in the sacred floating city of Callisto. Mel detects the presence of the final stone on the outskirts of the city, but the presence of almost invincible Guardians makes its capture almost impossible. The defenders learn that only the Nova Stone will help them, but this Stone is not in their possession. When Adam arrives at the last minute with the Nova stone in hand, the Defenders use it to gain possession of the third stone, a catastrophic process that almost costs Kara her life. The final battle approaches. The Defenders have three stones, Nazmul has one. Its winner take all. Are they ready?
Adam & Eve of Destruction
In a surprise turn of events, Adam shows up at Brackus safe house with the four pure stones and Kara in handcuffs. No sooner do we learn that Brackus is Adam's adoptive father he is betrayed by his son and turned over to Nazmul for his treason against the Order of Infinis. Adam's plan to align himself with Nazmul by turning in his father fails as he is thrown in a cell beside Brackus and slated for execution. Kara is grabbed and prepared for the host body transfer that will give Nazmul physical form. An enraged Seth leads an all out assault on the castle. Repentant for the error of his ways, Adam risks his life to free Kara. Along the way, he makes a final mistake, he sets Brackus free thinking he is no longer a threat. With Kara safe and the four stones in hand, the Defenders head for the place of binding, unaware that Brackus is already making plans.
Perfect Host
At the place of binding, the defenders find themselves under attack. Brackus has raised an army against them. Even as Erik works feverishly to fire up the machine, the debate continues: are they even doing the right thing? Is it possible that Alnar could be wrong? When Nazmul arrives, having taken possession of Malco's body, the situation becomes even more perilous.
The Defenders have chosen their course; they have refused to re-cast the Spell of Binding as their mentor Professor Alnar had ordered.