Dance Academy
Fifteen-year-old Tara Webster has grown up on a farm in country Australia and has dreamt of being a dancer ever since she was a little girl. When she makes it into the National Academy of Dance, she is sure her life is about to be spectacular.
In the Middle, Somewhat Elevated
Tara reunites with her friends for second year at the Academy and discovers the exciting news that they can compete in a prestigious ballet competition to determine the best young dancer in the world.
Tara finds a new hero in Saskia Duncan, the youngest principal dancer in the Company's history, and a new worry about her future with Christian. Meanwhile Abigail searches for dirt to remove talented Grace from second year.
Faux Pas De Deux
Kat's struggle to find friends at normal school brightens when she's able to choreograph a project for drama class, while an exuberant first year, Ben Tickle, is elevated into Second Year and eagerly seeks new friends.
Tara's overjoyed when Company starlet Saskia Duncan is appointed to teach the Academy Second Years; and Ethan rebels against Sebastian's suppression of his choreography skills.
Ethan clashes with Abigail in his attempt to create a spectacular dance performance for Showcase, while Tara finds it hard to compete with Christian's old friend Kaylah.
Like No One's Watching
Sammy's little brother Ari arrives at the Academy, throwing Sammy's hectic schedule into havoc and Kat auditions to be a football cheerleader, happily encouraged by Ben.
A Choreographed Life
Tara's concern about the time she spends with Christian impacting her dance study leads to her to suggest they 'pause' their relationship, and Ben tries to impress Kat through an ambitious choreography assignment.
Realising that Saskia's continuing critique of her dancing could jeopardise her mid-year exams, Tara takes action, while Christian ditches his pas de deux exam to hang out with Kat.
The Break
Exams are over and, with one night of freedom, both the boys and the girls go on a mission to prove they'll have more fun without each other.
A Good Life
Sammy returns home for his Grandpa Morrie's funeral and to ask his father to support his Academy tuition. While an act of sabotage severs frenemies Tara and Abigail and Kat auditions for the Moulin Rouge.
Self Sabotage
Grace encourages Tara to take action against Saskia's cruel treatment of her; Kat commences training for the Moulin Rouge and Sammy is assigned a Third Year, Ollie, as a tutor to get him through his exams.
Breaking Pointe
Saskia's bullying of Tara results in a painful injury. Kat convinces Miss Raine to grant her an audition to return to the Academy but has to let Abigail train her.
Tara risks serious injury and possible expulsion to compete in the Prix de Fonteyn Preliminary Round, and Kat is on top of the world when she's allowed back into the Academy.
Rescue Mission
Whilst recovering from her broken back, Tara discovers a hidden side to Ben who is volunteering in a hospital leukaemia ward performance; and Kat tries to settle into First Year.
Moving On
As Tara negotiates her return to the Academy, Ethan's search for ongoing employment leads him to accept a position choreographing a fringe musical.
Sammy and Ollie's friendship heads into unchartered territory when they go on a road trip so that Sammy can compete in a Prix de Fonteyn regional round, while Christian joins them to reconnect with his estranged father, Raf.
Love and War
The escalating conflict between the First and Second Years results in a showdown to determine which year has the greatest talent, and Tara becomes unhinged when Grace tempts her to get less serious.
Catch Me If I Fall
During an excursion to the circus, Christian's dad makes promises he's unable to keep, Tara tries to repair her friendship with Kat and Sammy goes public about his new romance.
The Nationals
Tara hunts for a new crush while the director of a fringe musical tries to convince Abigail to be the star of his show and Grace goes to increasing lengths to get Zach's attention.
Tick, Question Mark, Cross
Abigail's best efforts to balance her ballet commitments with the fringe musical splinter when a leaked staff email discounts her chances in the Prix de Fonteyn and her over-supportive mother Anthea unexpectedly arrives at the Academy.
Ladder Theory
The Academy students experience stinging prejudice from the judges during the National Round of the Prix de Fonteyn, just as Sammy's father visits the competition to watch his son dance for the first time in years.
Win or Lose
Grace continues to make a play for Zach's attention, leading her to manufacture a serious accusation; as Christian's resolve to bounce back from his Prix de Fonteyn elimination drives him toward some reckless behaviour.
Love It or Fight It
Ben tries a variety of tactics in rehearsals for "Peter Pan" to prove to Tara that he's a leading man, while Kat's efforts to research her character in the production lead to a realisation about her relationship with Christian.
The Prix De Fonteyn
Sammy decides to alter his Prix de Fonteyn solo one day before the start of the International Round, while Tara encounters a new-old nemesis in the girls' competition.
The Second
Fighting shock and numbness after a sudden tragedy, Tara is struggling to find her motivation as a dancer. Meanwhile, Abigail attempts to block her grief by immersing herself in a prestigious audition for a contemporary company tour.
The Red Shoes
Abigail and Tara join forces to go head to head with a formidable enemy and Christian has to choose between being with the girl he loves and his desire to escape.