Pete vs Life
This raucous British comedy follows journalist Pete, an otherwise average bloke whose life is observed and analyzed by two sports commentators.
Pete vs Life
It's double trouble for Pete when he is accused of kidnapping an old lady's dog while pretending to be a heroin addict in order to impress a Polish cleaner.
Pete vs Life
Pete is back with ex-girlfriend Chloe and is desperate to make a good impression. Unfortunately, Pete's dad turns up on his doorstep.
Pete vs Life
A national newspaper accepts Pete's article criticizing Britain's seventh best tennis player, Lottie Beaumont, whom he just happens to be dating.
Pete vs Life
Pete wins tickets to the hit musical "Mamma Mia," then "acquires" a lovely leather jacket from a charity bag in order to impress his much cleverer date.
Pete vs Life
Pete claims he served in the army to impress his new girlfriend Mel. Unfortunately, Mel's brother is a genuine veteran.
Pete vs Life
All is going well with Pete and his new, alien-obsessed girlfriend — that is, until he learns that ex-girlfriend Chloe is going out with his nemesis, Jake.