Classic Tales
Classic Tales" features timeless stories that have entertained and enchanted young and old alike for generations.
Classic Tales 1001
An extremely vain Emperor loved nothing more than seeing himself dressed in very beautiful clothes. So when two crafty Swindlers arrive and tell him they can give him the finest clothes ever made, the Emperor is naturally delighted.
Classic Tales 1002
Niall O’Leary was the poorest, unluckiest young man in all of Ireland. Nothing ever seemed to go right for him. Then one day Niall was out walking in the country when – lo and behold! – he stumbled across a tiny leprechaun.
Classic Tales 1003
One day while taking his nap in the jungle, the mighty lion was woken by a mouse scurrying across his nose. The angry lion grabbed the mouse and was just about to eat him when the mouse offered him a deal.
Classic Tales 1004
A woman longs to have a little girl of her own and one day, an old witch grants her what she’s wished for. A magic flower opens to reveal a tiny child - no bigger than a thumb - and so Thumbelina is born.
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When food becomes scarce, the nasty stepmother of Hansel and Gretel persuades their father to take the children into the forest and abandon them. Sadly, the father agrees and soon the boy and his sister are left in the wild to fend for themselves.
The Little Match Girl
On a wintry, Christmas eve a poor little girl wandered through the cold, empty streets of a large town, trying to sell matches. But everyone was indoors enjoying Christmas with their families.
Classic Tales 1007
Long ago in Russia there lived a young girl named Ilana. When her wicked stepmother sent her on an errand to the evil, old witch Baba Yaga, it was in the hope that Ilana would be taken prisoner and never return.
Clasic Tales 1008
Long ago in England, the people of a small village used the light of the moon to help them find their way across the cold, dark woods at night.
Classic Tales 1009
Long ago when the world was young, elephants had wings. And everywhere you looked, flocks of elephants swooped and soared through the sky having the time of their lives.
Classic Tales 1010
Once, two babies were born at exactly the same time on exactly the same day in exactly the same town. One baby - a boy called Ricky - was very bright but very ugly.
Classic Tales
Deep below the ocean was the world of the Sea King. In a fine palace, the king lived with his six beautiful, mermaid daughters who- when they turned fifteen- were allowed to swim to the ocean surface and see the world above.
Classic Tales
Once upon a time, a town mouse invited his cousin from the country to come and visit him. The country mouse was pleased to accept. He lived a tough life in the forest and would often go cold and hungry in the winter.
Classic Tales
When a poor widow sent her son, Jack to sell their cow at the market so they could get money to buy food, she was furious when he returned with only a few seeds in exchange. She took the seeds and angrily threw them out the window.
Classic Tales
A poor woodsman and his wife were delighted when they had a baby son. And even though he was no bigger than a thumb, their boy Tom was the light of their lives.
Classic Tales
Once upon a time, a young boy was sent to work for a sorcerer who possessed great, magical powers. The boy spent his days doing very ordinary things such as sweeping and cleaning but he was desperately curious to know more about the sorcerer’s magic.
Classic Tales
Long ago a king was on his morning walk through the forest when a strange looking woman approached. She had the most enormous nose he’d ever seen!
Classic Tales 1017
There was once a poor farmer who worked long and hard in the fields in order to make a small living. Each week he’d have to visit the nearby town in order to pay a rich money lender most of the money he earned.
Classic Tales
Once, a sailor named Sinbad scoured the world in order to make his fortune. After many months, his ship groaned with treasure and so he headed back to Bagdad hoping to lead a life of luxury.
Classic Tales
When a king and his hunting party were out in the woods they were amazed to come across a young woman weaving a garment made from flowers. Even more startling was the fact that the woman never spoke.
Classic Tales
When Hansu returned home after three long years of war, his mother was delighted to see him. But delight turned to sadness when she saw that Hansu never smiled anymore. In fact, he did little but sit in the garden, quiet and forlorn.
Classic Tales
Once there was a boy called Hans who liked to do all the things that boys do. He liked to play games and he loved to explore. But Hans was different in one special way- he had the body of a hedgehog
Classic Tales
Hannah the hen lost a feather and- while a little upset about this- observed that the moon had no feathers at all and yet it still looked beautiful. So while the loss of a single feather was sad, Hannah said to herself that she still looked pretty.
Classic Tales
There was a time in ancient Britain when no king ruled the land and everyone was in great danger. Then a wise, old wizard called Merlin appeared and announced that he had a way to solve the problem.
Classic Tales
Long ago in India there lived a jackal named Chadru who was always hungry. One night, he was so hungry he decided to creep into a human village to look for food. As soon as he arrived though, he was spotted by a pack of dogs which instantly gave chase.
Classic Tales
In ancient Greece lived a youth named Narcissus. It is said he was the most beautiful boy ever to have been born. So handsome was he that no one could resist his charm and everyone hurried about getting him whatever he wanted.
Classic Tales
In a small village in Russia lived a boy name Pavlo who loved to sit and watch birds. He longed to know what the birds were saying as they twittered and cheeped and one day, after rescuing a baby bird and returning it to its nest.