This documentary series chronicles the countdown to the greatest achievement in human history, the Host Steve Spangler, Ellen Show regular, shows viewers how to conduct amazing science experiments in their own homes!
Museum Science
Steve Spangler comes up with experiments, based on what’s on display at the Denver Museum of Nature.
Crazy Science
Steve Spangler shows you wacky experiments where the science is smart, but the tricks are crazy.
Food Science
Steve Spangler shows you science you can eat!
Science Magic
Steve Spangler shows you amazing magic tricks all based on science.
Steve Spangler shows you toys you can make at home, all based on science.
Steve Spangler has experiments you can do at home, all based on the science of electricity.
Color Science
Steve Spangler reveals the secrets of color, with amazing experiments you can do at home.
Here are amazing DIY science projects – all with things you can buy at a hardware store.
Steve Spangler roams the supermarket for things you can use to create your own science magic.
Spooky Science
Steve Spangler shows how every day can be a spooky day with scary tricks and magic effects.
Favorite Experiments
Steve Spangler reveals the secrets to science tricks and stunts that will amaze your friends.
Backyard Science
Steve Spangler relaxes in his backyard with science tricks and inventions you can create outdoors.
Teacher Contest
Steve hosts the DIY SCI teacher contest for the most exciting demonstration of Newton’s Third Law.