This documentary series chronicles the countdown to the greatest achievement in human history, the Host Steve Spangler, Ellen Show regular, shows viewers how to conduct amazing science experiments in their own homes!
Steve's Mind Bending Experiments
Steve Spangler demonstrates his most mind bending science experiments in the new season of DIY Sci.
Science Museum Oklahoma
Steve Spangler travels to the Science Museum of Oklahoma.
DIY Sci Live
Steve Spangler performs DIY Sci live in front of thousands of STEM students.
Garage Geeks I
Steve visits his friend Bruce Yeany to build DIY experiments in his garage
Flying Things
Steve Spangler shows you all the fun ways you can make flying things at home.
Museum Science II
Steve Spangler visits Science Museum Oklahoma
Garage Geeks II
Steve spangler visits Bruce Yeaney
Brain Stumpers
Steve Spanger shows you brain stumping science experiments