Charlie And Lola
Lola is not sleepy, and she will not go to bed. It falls to Charlie, her older brother, to persuade her. Lola is also convinced that she is absolutely far too small to go to school.
I Will Not Ever Never Eat a Tomato // I Can Do Anything That’s Everything All on My Own
Lola is a very fussy eater, she won’t eat mushrooms, or peas or fish sticks, and she will never ever eat a tomato! Charlie helps her to discover that peas are really green drops from Green Land. Today, Lola wants to do everything that’s anything all on her own. In the park, Charlie and his friend Marv persuade her that a see-saw won’t “see” or “saw” with only one person.
I Am Not Sleepy and I Will Not Go to Bed // But That Is My Book
Will Lola ever be sleepy enough to go to bed, Charlie wonders? You have to be quiet when you’re in a library. But that’s very hard for Lola when she can’t find her absolutely most favorite book—“Beetles, Bugs and Butterflies.”
There Is Only One Sun and That Is Me // We Do Promise Honestly We Can Look After Your Dog
It’s the school play and Lola is determined to be The Sun. She knows the part will be hers because yellow is her favorite color. Lola and her friend Lotta know everything there is to know about dogs.
I've Won, No I've Won, No I've Won // I Like My Hair Completely the Way It Is
Lola simply has to win all the time She can run faster than a cheetah, she can bounce higher than a kangaroo, and she can stand on one leg for longer than a flamingo. It’s that time when Charlie and Lola have to get their haircut, but something’s bothering Lola, and she won’t want to tell us what it is.
I'm Really Ever Not So Well // I Am Hurrying, I'm Almost Nearly Ready
Charlie has promised Marv that he’ll play football with him, but poor Lola has a very nasty cold and is stuck in bed. Charlie wants Lola to hurry, or they’ll be late for school. But there are so many exciting things to do on the way that Lola keeps getting distracted.
Boo! Made You Jump! // The Most Wonderfullest Picnic in the Whole Wide World
It’s ever so easy for Charlie to make Lola jump. But what Lola wants more than anything is to make Charlie jump. You can’t have a picnic without swirl tennis and boiled eggs and of course sunshine.
It wasn't Me! // It’s a Secret
Charlie wins first prize at school for his fantastic homemade rocket, which he made from 10 yogurt pots and some extra wide tin foil. Lola has to keep a big secret, Charlie’s birthday surprise, and it’s really, really hard to keep secrets. To prevent Lola from telling him, Charlie decides to “guess” the surprise by coming up with the most extraordinary suggestions.
I Love Going to Granny and Grandpa’s... But // I Never Want My Wobbly Tooth To Fall Out
Granny and Grandpa’s house is by the sea where there are pony rides and lovely things to eat, a big dressing up box and Caspar the Cat. Lola is horrified because she has her first ever wobbly tooth, and she does not ever, never want her wobbly tooth to fall out. She doesn’t want a big gap in her teeth, even if Charlie does say that she’ll grow another one which is stronger and better.
Say Cheese // I’m Just Not Keen on Spiders
To please Mom, Lola is determined to keep herself clean and tidy for her first school picture, but Lola is not better at keeping herself clean and tidy. Lola likes all sorts of creepy crawlies, she’s just not keen on spiders. Charles attempts to persuade Lola that spiders are not dangerous at all, in fact, they’re really quite clever.
Snow Is My Favorite and Is My Best // You Won’t Like This Present as Much as I Do
Snow is on the way and Lola is bursting with excitement. It’s Lotta’s birthday, and of course Lola wants to buy her friend the very best present in the whole wide world.
I Must Take Completely Everything // I Want to Play Music Too!
Lola is packing to go to Lotta’s for the night. And she is packing everything because her and Lotta are going to play Cinderella! This means that Charlie and Marv can have the whole bedroom to themselves to set up an enormous racetrack of their own. Introducing Charlie on clarinet and Marv on keyboards! The boys are presenting a piece all about Outer Space accompanied by music in front of the whole school tomorrow in assembly. Lola is desperate to join in.
I'm Far Too Extremely Busy // I Want to Be Much More, Bigger Like You
Lola simply doesn't have time to play today; she’s far too extremely busy organizing her office full of mermaids, running her café, dentist, and library. Life’s just not fair when you’re always the smaller one… you can’t go to bed late, you can’t get your own pink milk.
My Little Town // But I Am an Alligator
Sharing the “My Little Town” play set that Granny and Grandpa gave them proves a bit of a challenge for Charlie and Lola. Dressing up is one of Lola’s absolute favorite things to do, and now she’s getting this fabulous new alligator costume. She's never going to take it off ever again!