Charlie And Lola
Lola is not sleepy, and she will not go to bed. It falls to Charlie, her older brother, to persuade her. Lola is also convinced that she is absolutely far too small to go to school.
Everything Is Different and Not the Same
Lola is so looking forward to going back to school for the Autumn Term, she has her new woolly pantyhose.
I Really Absolutely Must Have Glasses // Thunder Completely Does Not Scare Me
Lola is going to have her eyes tested at the optician’s, but she’s not at all keen. Is there a big, hungry giant up in the sky with a rumbling tummy?
I Slightly Want to Go Home // I Am Extremely Absolutely Boiling
Lola is going to Lotta’s house for her first-ever sleepover, and it couldn’t be more exciting. // The weather outside is extremely and absolutely hot to the point of boiling.
I Can Train Your Dog // Do Not Ever, Never Let Go!
Marv’s Mum says Sizzles really is a very naughty dog but Lola knows this isn’t true. Lola and Lotta both love their tricycles, but when Lotta is given her big cousin’s bike, Lola wants a big bike too.
Our Shop Sells Completely Everything // I Am Inventing an Usefullish Invention
Lola and Lotta have got a pretend shop that sells completely everything. Charlie and Marv have to come up with an invention for a school project by tomorrow.
But We Always Do It Like This // I Can't Stop Hiccupping
When Charlie and Lola visit Grandma and Grandpa, they always build a special sandcastle on the beach… and they always do it together. Lola and Lotta are practicing their song for the school concert that evening.
I Am Completely Hearing and Also Listening // But I Don't Really Like This Present
Lola thinks that she’s best at listening. Today, however, she is having a bad day. Lola always loves the presents her best friend Lotta gives her, until the hat! It’s itchy, and it has ‘dangly bits’.
I Can Dance Like a Dancer // Help! I Really Meant It!
Lola is sure that she is an “ever so good dancer.” But some dancing is a bit too swirly, some is too jumpy, and ballet is too floaty. Grandma and Grandpa’s cat, Caspar, has come to stay with Charlie and Lola.
I Would Like To Actually Keep It // It’s Raining, It’s Boring
Lola finds a toy rabbit near the school and is very concerned. Charlie puts it on the school wall in case its owner comes back to look for it. It’s raining and everyone is bored, even Sizzles is bored.
I Am Goody, the Good // What Can I Wear for Halloween?
The ‘Goody the Good’ books are Lola’s favorite. Charlie, Lola, Lotta, and Marv have been growing a pumpkin all through the summer for the Halloween party at school… and it is enormous.
It Is Very Special and Extremely Ancient // But Marv Is Absolutely Charlie’s Best Friend
Once they understand what a fossil actually is, Lola and Lotta are determined to find one! Charlie isn’t so sure they will. Lola gets upset when she witnesses Charlie and Marv ‘play fighting’ and thinks they are not best friends anymore.
I Am Making a Craze // But Where Completely Are We?
Everyone is hooley hooping – Charlie, Marv, Lotta… In fact, the whole school is hooley hooping. Mom and Dad let Charlie and Lola go ‘camping’ in the garden.
I Really, Really Need Actual Ice-Skates // I Wish I Could Do That, and Also That Too
Having begged Grandma and Grandpa for a scooter, Lola suddenly decides that she now wants a pair of real, actual ice skates. Everyone is dubious. Lola promises to play beads on Friday with her friend from school, but then Marv invites her to his special space party on the very same day!
I Am Going to Save a Panda // I’ve Got Nobody to Play With
It’s safe an animal week at school, and Lola and Lotta are horrified to learn that all sorts of lovely animals are in danger! Which one should they save? Playing piggy in the middle with fuzzy pig in a fuzzy felt jungle is good, but you definitely need two people; Charlie is going out, and Lotta has a cold.