Gene Roddenberry's Andromeda
Based on original concepts by legendary "Star Trek" creator Gene Roddenberry, GENE RODDENBERRY’S ANDROMEDA stars Kevin Sorbo as Captain Dylan Hunt, who travels the galaxy with his new crew to build alliances and restore peace to the embattled universe.
If the Wheel is Fixed
Beka and Tyr are taken over by the energy from a dimensional tunnel. Dylan, Trance, and Harper must save them before they destroy the ship.
The Shards of Rimni
Dylan is framed for murder and must clear his name, all while finding the pieces of a vase said to grant the owner the "blessings of the cosmos.
Mad to be Saved
The crew rescues a group of refugees, only to discover they have been subject to government experiments and are extremely unstable.
Cui Bono
Beka's Uncle Sid runs for office in the New Commonwealth, but an assassination attempt causes the crew to act as his security.
The Lone and Level Sands
When the Andromeda is attacked by space pirates, they are rescued by a long-lost spaceship from Earth.
Slipfight the Dogs of War
The crew discovers that a rogue planet, Marduk, has been creating weapons of mass destruction.
The Leper's Kiss
A hitman by the name of the Leper is targeting the leaders of the New Commonwealth.
For Whom the Bell Tolls
The Andromeda is haunted by a mysterious creature that comes aboard during a solar storm.
And Your Heart Will Fly Away
When a long lost love returns, Tyr disappears from the ship to protect her from an assassin.
The Unconquerable Man
Set in an alternate universe where Dylan died and Gaheris Rhade is trying to reform the Commonwealth.
Delenda Est
The group that attacked the Andromeda during the first Commonwealth charter signing returns to wreak more havoc.
The Dark Backward
Trance runs through a number of different scenarios, trying to find one in which her crewmates don't die.
The Risk-All Point
A "more powerful" Andromeda ship explodes due to likely sabotage, forcing Dylan's crew to save them.
The Right Horse
Beka endangers both her crew and an entire planet when a former love shows up.
What Happens to a Rev Deferred
The Andromeda receives a cry for help from Rev Bam.
Point of the Spear
After a Commonwealth planet is attacked by Pyrian pyroformers, Dylan is forced to fight to protect the new planet.
Vault of the Heavens
Dylan hears voices beckoning him to a planet of "fire and ice," so he pursues, even though it means crossing hostile Nietzschean-controlled space.
Deep Midnight's Voice
While caught in a battle between two Nietzschean prides, the crew captures a hostile who claims that his pride possesses a map of the slipstream.
The Illusion of Majesty
A wrong turn after exiting a slipstream sends the Andromeda into the Prolon system. They rescue an escape pod from certain disaster, but the pride wants it back.
Twilight of the Idols
The crew seeks a lost colony of Nietzscheans and discovers another crew that has been secretly helping them.
Day of Judgement, Day of Wrath
The crew installs a new AI in a new Commonwealth battleship, and naturally, things don't go as they should.
Shadows Cast by a Final Salute
Tyr convinces the Nietzscheans that he is the reincarnation of Drago Museveni, and they leave the Commonwealth.