Kitty is not a Cat
Kitty is Not a Cat is about a little girl 'Kitty' who believes she can be anything in life, even a cat. When Kitty arrives on the doorstep of a house full of partying felines.
Meowing at the Moon
The mice get trapped in the house on a Wild Moon - the one night where all the cats go bonkers. Kitty protects them from the cats, who are suddenly hungry for mice.
Little Miss Kitty
Kitty always falls asleep during her fairy tale bedtime stories, so the cats decide to act them out to impart their important moral messages.
Vote 4 Kitty
When the cats learn what an election is, they realize they never voted for King Tubby as their leader. They pick Kitty as a candidate to run against him in their own election.
Tubby's Signature Move
King Tubby sees a viral dance move online and decides to try and go viral himself - but coming up with a cool new dance is much harder than it looks.
Kids Craze
Cheeta and King Tubby set out to invent the latest “kids craze” using Kitty as a guinea pig, but despite all their crazy gadgets, she's content with a simple ball of yarn.
Junior Rangers
Petal thinks becoming a Junior Ranger would be good to help Kitty learn to behave like a human. However, it's Petal who quickly becomes obsessed with it.
Imaginary Friends
When Kitty starts playing with an imaginary friend, the cats all decide to get imaginary friends of their own - to the detriment of their friendships with each other.
The Nightly Mews
Bored with the news, Cheeta decides to start his own news about Kitty's daily activities. In order to make it interesting, he has to resort to hurtful lies.
Spiritual Guise
King Tubby gets scammed by Lucky Chuck and Yeahno with a fake guru service that will supposedly help him make decisions. Unfortunately, they're just here to steal all his stuff.
Commercial Cats
When Cheeta learns about advertising, he decides to make his own ads to sell Ted's stuff. However, his limited understanding of what advertising is keeps getting in the way.
Bad Comedy
In lieu of a court jester, King Tubby hires a terrible comedian to entertain him. Unfortunately, the jokester they get only does insult comedy.
Losing the Beat
When Ginsburg accidentally shaves his goatee off, he thinks it's caused him to lose his sense of rhythm. Kitty tries to help him find it again.
Yah Outta the Band!
The band gets a record deal, but on one condition - Cheeta gets replaced with a studio musician. Heartbroken, Cheeta tries to start his own band.
Cat Café
Kitty does work experience at a cafe, and the cats come along to support her. Unfortunately, she is competing for the position with Stanley.
Cat Burglar
After hearing about a cat burglar on the news, the cats' belongings start to mysteriously disappear. When they begin their investigations, all of the clues seem to point to Kitty.
Basement Buddies
King Tubby and Miley get stuck in the basement together. They couldn't think of a worse person to be stuck with - they're nothing alike! Or are they?
Meditating Miley
The Nazz decides to teach Miley how to meditate after her temper tantrums go too far. She meditates every time she feels angry - which turns out to be all the time.
My Fair Harold
When Olive kicks Harold out, he comes to live with the cats. They find him insufferable and, in order to get rid of him, decide to try and find a way to make Olive take him back.
Luck Be a Kitty Tonight
When the Stinkletons throw out their Maneki-Neko, they start getting bad luck - and when Kitty picks it up, the cats start having good luck.
Dear Luna
The cats won't take Luna's well-meaning advice, so she starts giving it to them under the pseudonym 'Dear Tuna' in her own advice radio show.
Every Thorn Has Its Rose
Thorn's sister Rose comes to visit and unknowingly reveals to the household that Thorn's supposedly “glamourous” past isn't all that it seems.
Survival of the Cattest
Kitty loves watching a survivalist reality TV show, and when the cats learn they could win five million dollars, they decide to recreate it themselves.
A Place in the Sun
When the cats' sunny naptime is disturbed by the shadow of the Stinkletons' new satellite dish, Last Chance, Spook, and Kitty go to investigate.
General Romantic House Call
Spook wins a day with the doctor from General Romantic Hospital. To the cats' increasing frustration, Spook doesn't get that he's not a real doctor.
Last Chance's Last Chance
Last Chance has lost a life on each of his birthdays, so Kitty doesn't like his chances for this one - and it doesn't help that the party games have been planned by Cheeta.
The Catley Awards
King Tubby hosts an award ceremony for the house full of cats, complete with silly award categories, special guests, and unexpected winners!
Timmy Tom believes that he really is a superhero, and Kitty has to tag along as he annoys the household with his misguided attempts to help.
Unboxing Kitty
Kitty makes popular unboxing videos that she uploads online. When Luna finds out, she decides to become Kitty's coffee-guzzling brand manager: her Lunager.
Sibling Rivalry
By comparing Kitty and Timmy Tom, the cats accidentally cause the pair to become deeply competitive for their attention.
Dog Whistling
Everyone in the household knows how to whistle, except for Kitty. When a dog shows up at the cat house, they discover she can in fact whistle - but it's only audible to dogs.
Cat Cold
In trying to keep Kitty from catching the cat cold, the household of cats all catch it themselves! Now it's up to Kitty to take care of them.
Cats Eye-q
The cats decide to test their IQ. Much to their surprise, Kitty gets the lowest score. Even more to their surprise, King Tubby gets the highest.
When Kitty plays with her new microscope, she starts to worry about germs. The cats try to reassure her, but how can Kitty relax when germs are absolutely everywhere?
I Spai
King Tubby gets a virtual assistant for the household - SPAI - as a new learning tool for Kitty. However, it soon turns the house upside down.
The Mosquito
Kitty's peaceful night's sleep is disturbed by the intrusion of an annoying, buzzing mosquito. It's up to her to catch the fiend without waking up any of the sleeping cats.
Hitting the Heights
When a well-meaning lesson goes too far, Kitty develops a serious fear of being up high, and the cats have to find a way to build up her confidence again.
Snow Day
Kitty is excited waiting for the snow, but the cats don't know what that is. In a panic, Spook starts planning for the inevitable end of the world.
The Kitty Factor
Pierre helps Kitty discover that she's a trendsetter when other cats in the household start copying her. Kitty can't help it - she just has the “it factor”!
Abra Catabra
When Kitty's magic act makes the Nazz disappear, the cats frantically try to find him again. Meanwhile, the Nazz finally has some peace and quiet.
You Can't Handle the Juice!
Olive tricks Petal into buying box upon box of the disgusting Juicy Juice - and the only way to get rid of it is to sell it to her friends!
Space Cats
In order to command some respect from his subjects, King Tubby declares that they will put the first cat on the moon. The problem is that Happy is their short-sighted astronaut.
Catmer Vs Catmer
The cats get sick of Mr. Clean and Thorn's constant bickering, so they leave them behind when they go shopping. But now Kitty has to deal with them!
Tap & Go
Ming has put King Tubby on an allowance to stop him from spending all of the household's money, but things go awry when King Tubby gets a credit card.
Shouty Time
When Kitty finds a Flobberknob doll, the cats find themselves easily irritated by its gross noises. The problem is that Kitty seems to enjoy annoying them.
Up the Ante
The household of cats are really struggling to put their heads together and work as a team, so Kitty tries to help them out by showing them some of the best team players on the planet - ants!
Kitty Retires
When King Tubby and Petal discover the concept of retirement, they're afraid that Kitty has left it too late - you can never retire too early, after all!
Double Trouble
Kitty loves Trouble, her new pet fish, but the cats are horrified to discover that it's not a fish at all. Now all that's left is to try and prove it to Kitty.
Pen Pals
Kitty is writing to her pen pal, Sven, but he never seems to reply! Petal, Cheeta, and Last Chance concoct a plan to send Kitty letters themselves.
King Tubby decides it's time to try and teach Kitty to waste her energy like a human, as opposed to saving it like a cat.
Kitty is a guest on a show announcing the top ten cat songs of the year. Unfortunately, Claw is her co-host, and he doesn't like any of the songs!
Best Best Friend
When Luna discovers that humans only have one best friend, she decides it's important to find out which of the cats is Kitty's.
Meowing at the Moon / Little Miss Kitty
The mice get trapped in the house on a Wild Moon - the one night where all the cats go bonkers. Kitty protects them from the cats, who are suddenly hungry for mice.
Vote 4 Kitty / Tubby's Signature Move
When the cats learn what an election is, they realize they never voted for King Tubby as their leader. They pick Kitty as a candidate to run against him in their own election.
Kids Craze / Junior Rangers
Cheeta and King Tubby set out to invent the latest “kids craze” using Kitty as a guinea pig, but despite all their crazy gadgets, she's content with a simple ball of yarn.
Imaginary Friends / The Nightly Mews
When Kitty starts playing with an imaginary friend, the cats all decide to get imaginary friends of their own - to the detriment of their friendships with each other.
Spiritual Guise / Commercial Cats
King Tubby gets scammed by Lucky Chuck and Yeahno with a fake guru service that will supposedly help him make decisions. Unfortunately, they're just here to steal all his stuff.
Bad Comedy / Losing the Beat
In lieu of a court jester, King Tubby hires a terrible comedian to entertain him. Unfortunately, the jokester they get only does insult comedy.
Yah Outta the Band! / Cat Café
The band gets a record deal, but on one condition - Cheeta gets replaced with a studio musician. Heartbroken, Cheeta tries to start his own band.
Cat Burglar / Basement Buddies
After hearing about a cat burglar on the news, the cats' belongings start to mysteriously disappear. When they begin their investigations, all of the clues seem to point to Kitty.
Meditating Miley / My Fair Harold
The Nazz decides to teach Miley how to meditate after her temper tantrums go too far. She meditates every time she feels angry - which turns out to be all the time.
Luck Be a Kitty Tonight / Dear Luna
When the Stinkletons throw out their Maneki-Neko, they start getting bad luck - and when Kitty picks it up, the cats start having good luck.
Every Thorn Has Its Rose / Survival of the Cattest
Thorn's sister Rose comes to visit and unknowingly reveals to the household that Thorn's supposedly “glamourous” past isn't all that it seems.
A Place in the Sun / General Romantic House Call
When the cats' sunny naptime is disturbed by the shadow of the Stinkletons' new satellite dish, Last Chance, Spook, and Kitty go to investigate.
Last Chance's Last Chance / The Catley Awards
Last Chance has lost a life on each of his birthdays, so Kitty doesn't like his chances for this one - and it doesn't help that the party games have been planned by Cheeta.
Kittenman / Unboxing Kitty
Timmy Tom believes that he really is a superhero, and Kitty has to tag along as he annoys the household with his misguided attempts to help.
Sibling Rivalry / Dog Whistling
By comparing Kitty and Timmy Tom, the cats accidentally cause the pair to become deeply competitive for their attention.
Cat Cold / Cats Eye-q
In trying to keep Kitty from catching the cat cold, the household of cats all catch it themselves! Now it's up to Kitty to take care of them.
Germs / I Spai
When Kitty plays with her new microscope, she starts to worry about germs. The cats try to reassure her, but how can Kitty relax when germs are absolutely everywhere?
The Mosquito / Hitting the Heights
Kitty's peaceful night's sleep is disturbed by the intrusion of an annoying, buzzing mosquito. It's up to her to catch the fiend without waking up any of the sleeping cats.
Snow Day / The Kitty Factor
Kitty is excited waiting for the snow, but the cats don't know what that is. In a panic, Spook starts planning for the inevitable end of the world.
Abra Catabra / You Can't Handle the Juice!
When Kitty's magic act makes the Nazz disappear, the cats frantically try to find him again. Meanwhile, the Nazz finally has some peace and quiet.
Space Cats / Catmer Vs Catmer
In order to command some respect from his subjects, King Tubby declares that they will put the first cat on the moon. The problem is that Happy is their short-sighted astronaut.
Tap & Go / Shouty Time
Ming has put King Tubby on an allowance to stop him from spending all of the household's money, but things go awry when King Tubby gets a credit card.
Up the Ante / Kitty Retires
The household of cats are really struggling to put their heads together and work as a team, so Kitty tries to help them out by showing them some of the best team players on the planet - ants!
Double Trouble / Pen Pals
Kitty loves Trouble, her new pet fish, but the cats are horrified to discover that it's not a fish at all. Now all that's left is to try and prove it to Kitty.
Laziness / Catdown
King Tubby decides it's time to try and teach Kitty to waste her energy like a human, as opposed to saving it like a cat.