Minecraft Journey to the End
Follow AmyLee33 as she makes friends, adopts animals, and conquers the world of Minecraft from beginning to Ender Dragon!
A Whole New World!
Amy starts her adventure by building her house and mining shed in the great big beautiful world of blocks.
Mineshaft Madness!
The fun goes deep underground where Amy encounters dancing zombies, loot, and makes new four-legged friends.
My New Dogs!
It's time to hang with Barkley and Rosie and map out the enchanting quests to get ready for the End.
Temple Raider!
Can Amy find some precious loot on her journey to find a village?
My Animal Farm!
Sheepies, horses, and chickens, oh my! Amy's farm is well on its way.
Battle of the Blaze!
Amy enters the Nether and the journey heats up as she makes her way to the fortress.
A lovely little friend joins the wild ride and Amy finds more precious gems.
Big Barry!
Meet Big Barry the ... well, just watch and see a new housegues come to life!
Treasure Hunting!
Follow the map to find the something very special in a new biome!
Swimming with ninja sea turtles and searching for endermen.
The Woodland Mansion!
Exploring the village and dodging evil pixies on our way to the epic final battle.
I Found the Stronghold!
Follow the bouncing Eye of Ender to the Stronghold! Don't get lost!
My New Kitty Cat!
Amy finds the End Portal and a new furry friend in the jungle.
I Love Cookies!
It's time for tasty treats and super duper potion power.
Amy needs more magically-powered gear to battle the Ender Dragon.
The Ender Base!
Amy builds a survival bunker in the stronghold.
Luck of the Sea!
Amy and Barkley search the sea for rare treasures.
Snow Golem Twins
Amy completes missions on her path to the End and adds to the family farm.
Golden Apples Galore!
Use the power of fresh fruit to battle blazes to prepare for the final battle.
The End Battle!
Amy suits up in enchanted armor and takes on the Ender Dragon in the final battle.
Big Barry! / Treasure Hunting!
Meet Big Barry the ... well, just watch and see a new housegues come to life! Treasure Hunting!
Perish! / I Love Cookies!
Swimming with ninja sea turtles and searching for endermen. It's time for tasty treats and super duper potion power.
Big Barry! / Treasure Hunting!
Meet Big Barry the ... well, just watch and see a new housegues come to life! Follow the map to find the something very special in a new biome!