PixARK Adventure
Speedy enters a vast, wild world filled with dinosaurs, magical creatures and endless adventure!
Building Our First House!
Speedy kicks off the adventure by creating a base of operations.
Taming Our First Pachy!
Time to start building our dino family with our Patchy friend.
Pteranodon Hunting!
The PixARK crew takes flight with Pteranodons.
Dinosaur Enclosure
Prehistoric mining to build a place to keep our little dinos safe.
Exploring New Lands!
Sppedy finds new world by taking flight with Jeffrey!
Finally Some Armour!
Armour is the only way to survive the giant beasts roaming everywhere.
This Thing Chased Me!!
Apparently flying to strange new lands leads to strange giant flying beasts. Run!
Our First Raptor!!
It's time to show off our new gear which we will need to capture amazing raptors.
This Bird Is Beautiful!!
Speedy levels up almost everything and finds a big, bright, beautiful bird!
Massive Fire Elemental
It's getting hot out here as Speedy discovers a giant burning monster.
Base Upgrades!
Taking the base another level while keeping our great lake view.
Scorpion Rescue Mission
Nothing like a crazy ride on a scorpion to change your perspective.
Going Mining!
It's critical to have resources for the final push into new lands with wild creatures.
Mysterious House!!
Speedy flies with Igor to house and new biomes.
More Mystery...
The journey takes Speedy to the giant ice castle to battle powerful creatures.
I Found Unicorns!
So many magical enemies to slay until we get to the fairest of them all ... the unicorn.
Ice Fairy Boss Fight!!
Speedy storms the castle to face his toughest battle against the Ice Fairy!