Rainbow Rangers
Seven girls, each with her own unique personality and powers, live a rainbow ride's away in Kaleidoscopia. But whenever there's trouble for the people, animals, or natural wonders of the Earth, the Rangers zoom into action and save the day!
Go with the Rainbow Floe / Northern Lights
The Rangers save a baby polar bear stranded on an ice floe. / The Rangers lose their Spectra Scooters while helping a seal family and discover the Northern Lights.
Tree Hugger / Turtle in a Net
The Rangers have to save a forest from destruction. / The Rangers have to save a turtle caught in a fishing net.
When Beetles Bark / Pollution Island
The Rangers have to stop bark beetles from destroying a forest. / The Rangers go help a hermit crab and find an island covered in plastic garbage.
Monarch Migration / That Sinking Feeling
The Rangers help a kaleidoscope of butterflies migrate to their new home in Mexico. / The Rangers try to save a mother horse from a sinkhole... but end up falling in themselves.
Rabbit Roundup / Uninvited Guest
The Rangers have to help remove invasive rabbits from a farm in Australia. / The Rangers have to help an Alligator who has lost its home environment.
Sludge Stream / The Tsunami
The Rangers have to stop a factory owner from polluting a local stream. / The Rangers have to save Preston and Patty from a tsunami.
Duck Duck Oops / Lost Island
The Rangers have to save a duck family from a water disaster. / The Rangers have to save a family of shrews from a sinking island.
Divided We Fall / White-Nosed Bats
The Rangers have to stop a poacher in Africa. / The Rangers have to save a colony of bats suffering from White Nose Disease.
Land Ho / The Strongest Spider
The Rangers discover a brand new volcanic island. / The Rangers need the help of a spider to help a mother duckling and discover a spider with the strongest silk in the world.
Flash Flood / Steer Me In The Right Direction
The Rangers have to reunite a gorilla family separated by a flash flood. / The Rangers have to save cows from a wildfire.
Rangers Raise A Condor / Pony Party
The Rangers have to help Patty Praxton care for an endangered condor after Patty disturbs its home. / The Rangers need to rehome an overpopulation of wild ponies who are destroying their island home.
The Case of the Missing Class Pet / Bee Safe
The Rangers try to save a missing class pet. / The Rangers must save a farm from crop-raiding elephants.
Chimp in Kaleidoscopia / Pigeon Problems
The Rangers try to rescue a chimp by bringing him to Kaleidoscopia. / Rangers have to help a homing pigeon during a solar storm.
Henpecked / Rangers in Space
The Rangers save farm hens from overcrowding. / The Rangers go to outer space to stop a malfunctioning space shuttle from harming satellites and hurtling space junk towards Earth.
What A Gas / Turtle Trek
The Rangers save the cows that are currently providing power to Preston's farm via their methane gas burps. / The Rangers save a newly hatched baby turtle who struggles to find the ocean.
Tornado Hunters / The Air Up There
The Rangers save Patty and Preston from a tornado. / The Rangers save the air in a polluted city.
Dust In The Wind / Catch a Tiger
The Rangers save a family of Javelinas from an intense desert dust storm. / The Rangers have to save a tiger thought to be extinct.
A Hot Topic / Giant Catfish
The Rangers have to save the unique animals at a hydrothermal vent. / The Rangers rescue a giant catfish.
Prairie Dog Day Afternoon / We Didn't Start the Fire Ants
The Rangers save a keystone species. / The Rangers get rid of invasive fire ants.
Look Out Lemur / Don't Move A Mussel
The Rangers save a lemur, and teach Preston Praxton about terraced farming. The Rangers save a lake from invasive zebra mussels.
Praxton Island, Inc. / Get The Lead Out
The Rangers deal with issues from artificial islands. The Rangers save a family from lead in their home water supply.
Coral Calamity / S'no Problem
The Rangers help to save the New Caledonia Barrier Reef.The Rangers save Patty and Preston from an avalanche.
The Tortoise and the Heiress / Getting Swampy
The Rangers save a tortoise from off-road vehicles. / The Rangers save peatland from fires.
The Otter and the Oil / Icebreakers
The Rangers have to save an otter from an oil tanker leak, then plug and clean the leak. / The Rangers save a pod of orcas.
Monkey Business / Lost Panda Cub
Rosie, Lavender and Pepper journey to the Amazon to save a marmoset that Preston Paxton has captured as a pet for his daughter, Patty. The Rangers have to help a lost panda cub get home.
A Whale of a Problem / Bee Like Lavender
The Rangers rescue a beached whale who has been tormented by sonar waves. The Rangers have to stop a bee colony from collapse.