Follow the journey of our unlikely hero, Dax, who has been bestowed the epic quest to restore peace in Dragamar as well as unite the land and his fellow Dragamonz!
Enter the Dragamonz
We meet Dax, a passionate battler who dares to go where he shouldn't. But at what cost?
Friend or Foe
Dax has been secretly meeting with someone – are they a friend or foe?
The Crystal
Dax plummets into a deep cavern and discovers a mysterious object.
The Awakening
The mysterious object possesses more energy than anyone knows and is awakening dark forces.
A Crystal Corrupts
Dax goes in search of some answers to the mysterious crystal and learns that it's much more powerful than he thought.
Fight or Flight
Dax fights to keep the crystal out of the wrong hands and learns even leaders can be tainted by its seduction.
Spirit of Syrrus
Dax meets an all-knowing spirit from the past.
Birth of Dragamar
Syrrus tells Dax the story of how Dragamonz came to be.
Rise of Grimserver
Syrrus continues and tells Dax how the greed of one Dragamon destroyed all of Dragamar.
With the crystal in his possession Grimserver tries to control all of Dragamar.
The fight for the Crystal results in dire consequences for all of Dragamar!
The Quest
Dax learns the exact nature of his quest but has a surprising drop-in before he can begin.
The Waiting Horde
Grimserver demonstrates his dark and sinister powers while plotting his comeback.
Heat Is On
Dax and Boaragon meet their very first Firewing Dragamon and immediately feel the heat.
Under Fire
Dax and Boaragon experience the battling might of a Mystic.
Hot Mess
Dax and Boaragon try to battle their way into Firewing territory.
The Big Drop
Dax's efforts to escape backfire!
Question of the Crystal
The power of the Crystal is called into question and only a battle can provide answers.
Reason to Believe
Dax and Boaragon are outnumbered in a battle against three Mystics.
Feel The Burn
Dax must take his battling to the next level before it's too late.
Prove Your Worth
Dax's battle against the Mystics takes a backseat to an even greater threat!
Seeing is Believing
Dax soars to save the Crystal from a fiery end!
Attack of the Grimwraths
Dax and the gang are caught off guard by a bone-chilling surprise attack!
Crystal Clear
Dax and the team battle with all their might to keep the Crystal from the Grimwraths!
Boaragon's Dream
Boaragon faces his worst nightmare!
Rude Awakening
Dax and the gang attempt first contact with the surly Stonescale Dragamonz!
Louder Than Words
Our heroes must prove their worth by proving their skills in battle!
Rock and a Hard Place
Dax and the team struggle to find a way to break Gorgor's rock solid defense!
Wormskull faces Grimserver's wrath for failing to collect the Crystal!
The Bigger They Are
Dax's last-ditch effort to defeat Gorgor is put to the test!
Bad Joke
Dax and the gang explore the mysterious territory of the Slytoxin Dragamonz!
No Laughing Matter
A laughing attack brings Dax and the gang to the brink of defeat!
The Last Laugh
Dax must snap Azakai's laughing spell or all is lost!
Return of the Grimwraths
Mystic Grimwrath Dragamonz attack our heroes!
Hollow Victory
Dax and the gang suffer a major loss while battling Grimwrath Dragamonz!
Dragamon Down
Boaragon's fate is revealed!
Up A Tree
Dax and the gang are invited into Wildthorn Dragamonz territory – or so they think!
The Stand Off
Grodus seeks to avenge Boaragon by taking out Dax and the gang!
Bad to the Bone
Dax and the gang attempt to replace the Crystal but are interrupted by a very grim discovery!
Far Gone
Dax fights to protect the Crystal from Grimwrath Boaragon!
Beginning of the End
The power of the Crystal gives Grimserver new life!
Wrath of Grimserver
Dax and the gang come up with a last-gasp plan to stop Grimserver!
Dax Versus Boaragon
Dax battles Grimwrath Boaragon with all his might to knock him back to his senses!
A Mystics Might
Dax uses new powers to try and return Boaragon to his old self!
Dax and Boaragon attempt to steal the Crystal back from Grimserver!
Our heroes wage battle against Grimserver!
All For Naught
Grimserver uses the power of the Crystal to completely overwhelm Dax and the gang!
Dax discovers a power within himself even greater than the Crystal!
One Last Thing
Grimserver meets his fate!
Long Live Dragamar
A new era in Dragamar begins!
Episode 101
We meet Dax, a passionate battler who dares to go where he shouldn't. But at what cost?
Episode 102
Dax fights to keep the crystal out of the wrong hands and learns even leaders can be tainted by its seduction.
Episode 103
The fight for the Crystal results in dire consequences for all of Dragamar!
Episode 104
Dax and Boaragon try to battle their way into Firewing territory.
Episode 105
Dax's battle against the Mystics takes a backseat to an even greater threat!
Episode 106
Dax and the gang attempt first contact with the surly Stonescale Dragamonz!
Episode 107
Dax and the gang explore the mysterious territory of the Slytoxin Dragamonz!
Episode 108
Boaragon's fate is revealed!
Episode 109
The power of the Crystal gives Grimserver new life!
Episode 110
Our heroes wage battle against Grimserver!