6teen (The Mall)
This sharp and amusing mid-00s animated comedy follows the after-school lives of six 16 year-old mall-rats.
Major Unfaithfulness
Caitlin cheats on her hairdresser and ends up paying the price with a really heinous haircut!
The Hunted
Nikki falls for Hunter, the new Albatross & Finch greeter on the block. Caitlin offers to run interference and get the goods on Hunter.
Lights Out
Jude is surprised to find out that his girlfriend, Star, has become a goth overnight.
A Ding From Down Under
Jude answers a payphone and is surprised to find an Australian girl, Callie, on the other end.
The Wedding Destroyers
The wedding between Jonesy's dad and Jen's mom is coming soon!
Jonesy's Low Mojo
Nikki meets a great guy named Stone at the Grind Me coffee shop.
Smarten Up
Caitlin's thrilled to go on her first date with a cute college guy, Josh.
Dirty Work
Jude just can't seem to break up with his new clingy girlfriend, Rita. Jonesy offers to step in and do the dirty work for him.
A Crime of Fashion
An innocent trip to Albatross & Finch goes horribly wrong when Caitlin falls in love with a pricey beaded halter top.
Spring Fling
Nikki can't compete for attention against annoying Spring Dance queen whoopla.
Over Exposed
Jonesy accidentally sees Jen completely naked and can't get the image out of his head.
Girlie Boys
Caitlin and Jonesy spend a day at the spa!