LEGO Nexo Knights
It’s the final graduation fighting exams for the latest Knights from Knights’ Academy. All our new Knights demonstrate their prowess: CLAY, AARON, ALEX, and LANCE. PRINCESS MACY gets to join them, but her father doesn’t want her to graduate.
Back to School
As the Knights battle Jestro – in a somewhat haphazard and lazy way – they discuss the fact that Jestro never wins and that they’re always getting over on him.
Greed is Good?
Jestro’s not sure what to do with his new castle in the Lava Lands. “Every castle needs a big chamber filled with treasure,” says the Book of Monsters so they’ve got to go out looting!
The Book of Obsession
King Halbert instructs the Knights that they must take his valuable Ned Knights comic book to the “Knight-a-Kon” in Bookingham. It will be the first be the first prize at the Knight-a-Kon.
The King's Tournament
It’s the King’s birthday! To celebrate, the Queen and Macy always throw him a great, big birthday party consisting of a feast on birthday eve and a tournament the next day. At the birthday banquet is JORAH TIGHTWAD (last seen in episode 104.)
Monster Chef
Knighton celebrity chef GOBBLETON RAMBLEY announces that he’s developed the hottest chili recipe ever created. Now, he intends to give the recipe to the winner of his “Hottest Chili Cook-Off Competition” cooking show on Knighton TV.
Knight Out
Clay needs a vacation. Or, actually, the knights need a vacation from Clay! Clay is so super-focused that sometimes they just can’t take it: training, training, maintenance, the Knights’ Code tests then…more training.
Saturday Knight Fever
King and Queen Halbert have journeyed to the town of Cleanington to open the brand new Scrubbery Barn at the invitation of Roger the Scrubber. Meanwhile, the Book of Monsters drags Jestro to Snottingham – one of the coldest places in Knighton.
Open Mic Knight
Jestro and his monsters are in attack formation moving to pillage the town of Funnyton. But when they arrive, ready to tear into the place, they see that nobody’s in town. Then, they hear…laughter?!
The Fortrex and the Furious
We finally REVEAL that Jestro has given the Book of Betrayal to…Clay. He tells Clay what it is and how Mike Knight used it. And it seems that the Book of Monsters believed it to be the final ingredient in some ‘Master Plan.”
Kingdom of Heroes
The Book of Monsters, having the final pieces of his evil plan in place, tries to take human form.