Barney and Friends
In Barney's world, sharing and caring are key!
Barney and Friends
When she finds out that Daniel is going on a trip the next day, Baby Bop wants to go on a trip as well. Everyone decides to pretend to travel the same way Daniel will travel.
Barney and Friends
When Baby Bop thinks the half-moon is somehow broken, Barney and Friends take an imaginary visit to the moon where Barney eases her concerns.
Barney and Friends
When he tries to join some older kids in jump-roping, Daniel fails miserably. He becomes convinced that he’s just too little to do anything right.
Barney and Friends
When Riff is asked to be captain of a baseball team, he doesn’t think he can do it. But Barney gives him the courage to try.
Barney and Friends
Grace’s food drive isn’t going very well until Melanie offers to help. Melanie comes up with the perfect idea to get people to donate – put on a movie premiere in the caboose!
Barney and Friends
When several sports balls suddenly disappear without a trace, it’s detective BJ to the rescue as he dons trenchcoat and fedora.
Barney and Friends
Layla and her friends celebrate her birthday in the park with foods that aren’t traditionally American.
Barney and Friends
BJ learns a lesson about bragging when, playing superhero CAPTAIN PICKLES, he tells everyone that he can leap over the moon!
Barney and Friends
Baby Bop meets a new girl named Jill who doesn’t want to join the fun.
Barney and Friends
A creepy spider inspires Barney to tell the story of “The Reluctant Dragon.”