Andy's Prehistoric Adventures
Get ready to go on a prehistoric adventure with Andy. Watch clips, sing songs and travel back in time to meet dinosaurs and other prehistoric creatures.
Argentinosaurus & Eggshell
Andy embarks on another exciting prehistoric adventure, travelling back 95 million years in search of an eggshell belonging to one of the biggest animals to ever walk the Earth.
Woolly Mammoth & Tusk
Andy arrives 30 thousand years in the past, joins a herd of woolly mammoths and bumps into one of his own ancient ancestors.
Epidexipteryx & Tail Feather
Andy heads 160 million years into the past in search of a feather belonging to a tiny prehistoric dinosaur, but he is left stranded in the tree tops after encountering a meat-eating dinosaur.
Nothrotheriops & Dung
Andy travels 15,000 years into the past to meets a giant prehistoric sloth. On the way he is stalked by a sabre-toothed cat and rides a colossal Columbian mammoth.
Ophtalmosaurus & Painting
Andy plunges into an underwater prehistoric adventure in search of a giant swimming reptile the size of an elephant. However, after being chased by a shark, he finds himself lost at sea.
Paraceratherium & Footprint
Andy arrives 30 million years ago in Mongolia, where he meets the paraceratherium; a giant mammal five times the size of a rhinoceros.
Spinosaurus & Scan
Andy travels 100 million years back into prehistoric times to meet spinosaurus, ride a speedy ouranosaurus and take a dip in a prehistoric river.
Leptictidium & Fig
Andy goes on another prehistoric adventure in search of the tiny leptictidium, a furry mammal that used to bounce around the forests of Europe 50 million years ago.
Woolly Rhino & Flowers
Andy travels to a snowy prehistoric mountain range where he must find the woolly rhino's favourite food and get back to his time-travelling clock before it returns to the museum.
Camptosaurus & Call
Arriving 150 million years in the past, Andy tracks down the peculiar camptosaurus and plays hide-and-seek with a fierce allosaurus.
Sabre-Toothed Cat & Roar
Andy leaps into his time-travelling clock to visit a fearsome sabre-toothed cat, but when his gizmo malfunctions he is accidentally shrunk down to the size of an insect.
Centrosaurus & Video
Andy heads back in time to search a prehistoric forest for a plant-munching dinosaur, but runs into a relative of the T-rex instead, and then joins a herd of centrosaurus.
Ankylosaur & Club
Andy travels 70 million years back in time on a mission to replace a broken museum artefact and meets the armoured tank of the dinosaur world - Ankylosaur.
Gigantoraptor & Feather
Andy travels back 85 million years to meet a giant feathered dinosaur. Along the way he helps protect a nest full of prehistoric eggs and gets caught in a super-sized sandstorm.
Australopithecus & Hair
Andy travels back three million years where he tracks down the ancient tribe of australopithecus primates, but he has his trusty backpack stolen by hungry vultures.
Gastornis & Egg
Andy travels 49 million years back in time to find out what colour the eggs of a giant prehistoric bird were and must protect a chick against a colony of supersized ants.
Kimmerosaurus & Clamshell
Andy heads back 160 million years in search of a prehistoric clamshell and plunges into the waters of the ancient ocean to meet some giant swimming reptiles.
Chalicothere & Claw
Andy breaks a museum artefact, and must travel 30 million years back in time to replace it. Once there, he tracks down a chalicothere but gets chased by a swarm of prehistoric hornets.
Magyarosaurus & Reeds
Andy travels back 70 million years to meet the miniature magyarosaurus, but when he arrives on their prehistoric island home he has to hide from a giant flying reptile.
Andrewsarchus & Tooth
Andy travels back in time 36 million years to find a giant carnivorous predator's tooth, but when his backpack is stolen, he enlists the help of a herd of giant brontothere to get it back.
Woolly Mammoth & Ice
Andy dons his winter coat and heads back in time 30000 years to the last ice age.
Paraceratherium & Skin
Andy meets the largest mammal ever to walk the earth in prehistoric Mongolia.
Basilosaurus & Barnacles
Andy collects barnacles from a prehistoric ocean for his new museum display.
Australopithecus & Tool
Andy travels back in time to the Great Rift Valley in Africa to meet one of man's very own ancient ancestors; the australopithecus.
Gigantoraptor & Tumbleweed
Andy travels back in time to replace the museum's prized prehistoric tumbleweed.