Sarah & Duck
Animated adventures with seven year old Sarah and her best friend Duck.
Outside Outside/Umbrella Bubbles/Cloud Tower
The Shallots want to explore beyond the front garden. / Umbrella has to take his first bath. / Sarah and Duck discover a fascinating tower in the park.
Sound Jumble/The Mouse's Birthday/Tortoise Snooze
Sarah and Duck try to recreate music heard on the radio. / Sarah wants a nice quiet birthday. / Sarah and Duck help Tortoise find a quiet place to sleep.
Fast Slow Bungalow/Bags of Bags/Ribbon Fall
Flamingo and John give Sarah and Duck a tour of their house. / Sarah and Duck help Scarf Lady with the search for Bag. / The Ribbon Sisters invite Sarah and Duck to the park.
Garden Gaming/Seacow Snow Trail/Origami Overload
Sarah builds a new version of Duck's computer game. / Sarah and Duck are keen to find out who delivered their Christmas presents. / Sarah and Duck's help with origami flamingos.
Shallot Circus/Toy Tidy/Plate Escape
The Shallots put on an acrobatics show. / Sarah decides to assist Duck with tiding his bedroom. / Sarah, Duck and Plate Girl discover some unusual inhabitants at the Big Shop.
The Big Sleepover/Paisley Sea/Duck's Quack
Sarah and Duck have a sleepover. / The bus takes a surprising diversion while Sarah and Duck are on their way to the zoo. / Sarah helps Duck look for his lost quack.
Rainbow's Niece/Decorating Donkey/Duck Hotel
Sarah's new color wheel reminds Rainbow that he has not seen his Niece for a while. / Sarah plans a pretty surprise for Tortoise. / Duck wins a trip for two to an exciting hotel.
Parasol Show/Extra Bounce/Cake Relocate
Umbrella is nervous about meeting up with his pen pal. / John's yellow bouncy ball is too bouncy. / Cake is tired of living in the fridge, so Sarah and Duck help him.
Lost Librarian/Scooter Stand Hill/Music Fixer
Sarah thinks her toy periscope might help the Librarian's search. / Sarah and Duck help Scooter Boy. / Sarah's Tuba is making some very peculiar sounds.
Wool On Wheels/Lemon Cafe/Star Renovation
The weather is causing a problem with Scarf Lady's sale in the park. / Sarah and Duck discover a Lemon Cafe in the park. / Sarah can't find any of her favorite constellations.
Woolly Memories/Beach Break/Bubble Bumbling
Sarah and Duck decide to recreate footage from Scarf Lady's old film reels. / Sarah and Duck spend a day at the beach. / The Bubble Man is in town.
Toggle Tangle/Tummy Talk/Moon's Exhibition
Sarah settles down to sleep after she helps Scarf Lady. / Sarah's rumbling tummy starts a conversation with a Frog. / A trip to the art gallery helps Duck find his lost toy.
Pond Prose/The Art Of Pink/Bug Bop/Duck Flies
Sarah is inspired to make up poetry. / The art gallery is holding a celebration. / Sarah and Duck go to an outdoor music concert. / Duck decides he would like to try flying.