Nina and the Neurons
Super scientist Nina and her young experimenters travel the UK in search of sporting wonders. With the help of Nina's five animated sense Neurons, they explain why sports people are so amazing and how we can all get out and get sporty.
Nina investigates why it feels like it's windy when we go fast on our bikes - with the help of Felix, her touch neuron. Experimenters Charlotte and Lennon visit Nina in her lab and discover that when we move we push through the air and it feels windy.
Nina investigates why they sweep the ice in curling - with the help of Belle, her hearing neuron.
Nina investigates why we play football in a team - with the help of Luke, her sight neuron.
Nina investigates how we can spin and turn faster - with the help of Felix, her touch neuron.
Nina investigates how we can get better at climbing - with the help of Felix, her touch neuron.
Nina investigates what sports players eat and drink - with the help of Bud, her taste neuron.
Nina investigates why we get out of breath when we play sports - with the help of her taste neuron Bud and her smelling neuron Ollie.
Nina investigates how we can start faster in a race - with the help of Belle, her hearing neuron.
Nina investigates how we swim - with the help of Felix, her touch neuron.
Long Jump
Nina investigates how we can jump further - with the help of her touch neuron Felix.
Nina investigates how we play snooker - with the help of Luke, her sight neuron.
Nina investigates why we bend our knees when we land - with the help of Felix, her touch neuron.
Nina investigates how high divers make such a small splash - with the help of Belle, her hearing neuron.
Nina investigates how we can get better at catching and throwing - with the help of Luke, her sight neuron.
Nina investigates why certain balls are so bouncy - with the help of Luke, her sight neuron.
Nina investigates how computers know what to do - with the help of all her sense neurons
Nina investigates how the internet works - with the help of her sight neuron, Luke, and her hearing neuron, Belle.
Nina investigates what amazing things we'll have in the future - with the help of all her sense neurons.
3D Printing
Nina investigates how 3D printers work - with the help of Felix, her touch neuron.
Nina investigates how computer animation looks so real - with the help of Luke, her sight neuron.