Earth to Luna
Luna is an imaginative kid with a love of science and nature who learns how stuff works with her little brother and pet ferret. At the end of each episode, they act out what they learned to their parents.
The Waggle Dance / When Yellow Met Blue
After arriving home from ballet, Luna decides to have a little snack in the backyard. When she, Clyde, and Jupiter notice one bee, and then another, and then another attracted to her sweet snack, they realize the bees must communicate in some way.
Banana Sees? / Twinkle Twinkle Little Star?
While planting Luna's bean sprout experiment that she's just brought home from school, the trio start thinking about all other sorts of things it might be fun to plant and grow in daddy's garden.
On the Rings of Saturn / The Tale of Kale
While taking a look through Luna's telescope, Jupiter spots a curious planet that seems to be playing one of Luna's favorite games, hula-hoop! Upon closer examination, they find that it's Saturn and its rings.
That Just Rained Smell / How Water Became Rain?
It's a good thing Luna's wearing her favorite rain boots as a sudden shower comes along while everyone's playing in the yard. But as quickly as the rain came, it's gone again, leaving behind another intriguing question for Luna.
Luna's Lunar Quest / Mirror, Mirror On The Wall
It's a full moon and a dog howling in the night sends Jupiter and Clyde scrambling for Luna's bed. / One cold wintery day, Luna notices something strange is happening in her house. Something is causing all the bathroom mirrors and windows to fog up.
In Clyde's Eyes / Butterfly Feet
It's grooming day for Clyde, which means it's off to visit Dr. Jane over at Happy Tails Pet Shop. / Luna, Jupiter, and Clyde are enjoying themselves following a little butterfly as it flutters about the garden.
Wings of a Bird / Martians Martians Martians
When Jupiter's paper airplane lands by a birds nest in the garden, the trio's attention is drawn to a baby bird's first flight! / Looking through their telescope gets Luna, Jupiter, and Clyde no closer to answering all their questions about Martians.
Do Fish Drink Water / Strong As An Ant
It's summer and Momma and Daddy have taken the trio to the beach. / Clyde's ferret cookies are mysteriously growing legs and walking away!
Shooting Stars / Ice Giants
On a particularly starry night, Luna, Clyde, and Jupiter are in the backyard, star gazing, when something truly incredible happens. / One sunny morning, Luna, Jupiter and Clyde are in the backyard racing boats in their little play pool.
As The Bread Rises / Luna-Saurus Rex
Over at the bakery, Luna and Jupiter enjoy some of Newton's famous sweet bread rolls, the baker keeps on baking. He even gives his two favorite customers a little raw dough to check out.
It all Falls Down / Flying Lights
Luna, Jupiter, and Igor are all enjoying some ice cream cones at Newton's Bakery as they check out Igor's sticker astronaut album. / Luna, Jupiter, and Clyde are enjoying a breezy evening in the backyard when they come across a little lightning bug.
A Snail Tale / Nighty Night, Sun
Foggy mornings are better spent playing inside. / No one's quite ready for night to come and call it a day out in Luna's backyard, they're having too much fun helping daddy in the garden.
Reaching the Rainbow / The Sinking Grape
Playing, dancing and singing along with their musical friend, Tom, in the backyard, the trio is caught by surprise by a sudden rain shower. / It's a beautiful day for a picnic in the park with momma and daddy.