Earth to Luna
Luna is an imaginative kid with a love of science and nature who learns how stuff works with her little brother and pet ferret. At the end of each episode, they act out what they learned to their parents.
Blowing bubbles / Drawings in the Sky
Luna and Jupiter are in the backyard blowing bubbles when they find themselves wondering, why are bubbles always round? / Luna is given an old family book all about constellations.
A Cat's Whisker's / Up, Up, and Away
Luna and Jupiter's bingo game is interrupted by a mysterious meowing sound. / While bike riding with their friends, Luna and Jupiter see a beautiful hot air balloon soaring through the sky.
Salt of the Sea / Great creates!
After checking out Dr. Jane's new saltwater fish over at the pet shop, Luna, Jupiter and Clyde start to wonder... why is salt water salty? / Jupiter thinks the moon looks a lot like Momma's Swiss cheese, what with its holes and everything.
Do Re Me Fa-lute / Gecko Glue?
Jupiter has just gotten a brand new pan flute and is ready to join Luna's band. / Wanting a quick cup of water in the kitchen, Jupiter is quite shocked to discover a gecko on the ceiling right above him.
Snow Day / Popcorn A-Poppin'
Snowy days are the best! So many fun things to do and play. But, what exactly is snow and what makes it snow? / Luna and Jupiter just love popcorn... but they'd never thought about what actually makes popcorn pop.
A Tail of Tails / Flowers and Fruit
Clyde just loves playing with the cat next door, but when the kitty suddenly startles, she surprises Clyde with a mean meow and a puffed up tail. / After finding an orange blossom on the ground, the trio is amazed to learn where oranges come from.
Spinning Webs / One Thunder, Two Thunder, Three!
Luna, Jupiter, and Clyde are playing soccer with Tom, Alice, and Igor when they discover a spider web in the backyard! / During a particularly stormy thunderstorm, Luna discovers that Jupiter and Clyde are afraid of thunder.
A Dog's Paws / The Superstar
While playing hopscotch with Alice out front, the gang notices Dr Jane's dog, Snowball, doing something really odd. / It's a particularly hot sunny day, the sun is shining bright in the sky, which gets Jupiter wondering.
Not What it Looks Like / How Old Are You?
Luna and Jupiter are looking everywhere for Clyde, but he's nowhere to be found. / It's Clyde's birthday which gets everyone wondering about the age of other things too, like how old are trees and how do you find out how old they are.
Chocolate Seeds / Silkworms
The trio is thoroughly wiped out after running around the backyard and Luna treats them each to a little piece of chocolate. / Grandma and Grandpa send the gang some beautiful silk robes from their trip to China.
Slip-sliding Along / Scared of His Own Shadow
While playing with little toy cars in Jupiter's room, the trio notices something very curious. / When Jupiter spots his shadow late one night, he's frightened by the shape and size, thinking surely a monster is after him!
Echo-echo-echo / Roly Poly Fun
When the trio walks through a tunnel at the park, they discover something really neat, inside the tunnel their voices echo! / Helping Daddy rake the leaves and clean up his garden, the trio spots a roly-poly!
Pretty Bird / Recycling
Luna and Jupiter are having some fun with some tongue-twisters, when suddenly some of the tongue-twisters come echoing back to them. / After having an afternoon snack, Jupiter goes to throw his yogurt container in the trash but Luna stops him.