People who think their significant other is cheating on them hire a hidden camera crew to investigate their suspicions.
Episode 1
Brittany Fowler finds out more about virtual reality than she wants to know. Follow up with Andrea Rosales.
Episode 2
Kesha Simmonds finds her boyfriend with his other girlfriend. Follow up with Jason MacArthur.
Episode 3
Lizet O'Reilly makes a few changes in her standard operating procedure. Follow up with John.
Episode 4
E-gamer Nicholas Booth discovers his relationship has no do-over. Follow up with Jerrium.
Episode 5
Jill Kelly discovers her girlfriend strays with another person. Follow up with Maddie.
Episode 6
Leroy Cullen finds that his girlfriend doesn't respect their relationship. Follow up with Michelle Meadows.
Episode 7
Tony Brickley discovers that his wife has fallen back into her old ways. Follow up with Jessica Sanders.
Episode 8
Tatum Trouba learns her boyfriend uses a dating app to find another woman. Follow up with Hilly.
Episode 9
Rayne Brown determines her boyfriend is a liar. Follow up with Ryan.
Episode 10
Amy Stajan discovers her boyfriend is a real buzzkill. Follow up with Kendee Tripper.
Episode 11
Lexi McLeod discovers that blood is not always thicker than water. Follow up with Simon Read.
Episode 12
Pierre Terry finds the woman he wants to marry is busy dating someone else. Follow up with Taylor.
Episode 13
Nate Hunt discovers his girlfriend uses him for his wallet. Follow up with Roshada Grier.
Episode 14
Christian Lewis finds her girlfriend falling for another woman. Follow up with Zach.
Episode 15
Larry Grant learns that his wife has a serious sex addiction. Follow up with Mashi.
Episode 16
Bridget Braun finds out that her boyfriend has an entire secret life from her. Follow up with Kelly Torres.
Episode 17
Christian Boyd discovers his girlfriend leads a double life. Follow up with Mike Jones.
Episode 18
Amber Prosser learns her boyfriend has been married once…and never divorced. Follow up with John Lombardi.
Episode 19
Shalyce Ryan discovers her man steps out on her. Follow up with Kitty Ramsey.
Episode 20
Hailey Talbot finds out her boyfriend is up to some funny business. Follow up with Tobyn Burke.
Episode 21
Jordan Crosby discovers his girlfriend has another boyfriend. Follow up with Larry White.
Episode 22
Danni Little finds her boyfriend lives with his other girlfriends! Follow up with Gemma Taylor.