People who think their significant other is cheating on them hire a hidden camera crew to investigate their suspicions.
Episode 1
Emelia Coolidge discovers her boyfriend overexposing himself to amateur models.
Episode 2
Rodrigo Coronado discovers his wife working overtime at a specific hotel room.
Episode 3
Ginger Franklin finds out that her husband might have a dental fetish.
Episode 4
Lavell McBride discovers his girlfriend wanting some brotherly love.
Episode 5
James Jessup discovers his wife is the belle of the ball with numerous suitors.
Episode 6
Pamela Foley finds her boyfriend working hard to satisfy her best friend.
Episode 7
Lindsey Stone learns that her husband's bleeding heart is susceptible to temptation.
Episode 8
Renee Winston discovers her boyfriend is keeping cool in the arms of another woman.
Episode 9
Justin D'Angilo discovers his woman flipping for someone else on 'Cheaters.'
Episode 10
Aeriol Garrison finds her husband serving up another woman.
Episode 11
Greg Voss discovers his wife entertaining a new old boyfriend.
Episode 12
Karina Martinez learns her boyfriend is playing favorites with other women.
Episode 13
Penny Novak learns that her boyfriend's allergy to tomatoes is as bogus as his fidelity.
Episode 14
Nate Dinkens discovers his girlfriend experimenting with the size of another guy.
Episode 15
Dan Weir finds out his fiancee is riding with another biker.
Episode 16
Kennethia Barnes discovers her boyfriend playing around with another smoking hot female.
Episode 17
Amanda Ali finds her fiance playing the big man with another woman.
Episode 18
Andrea Rosales discovers her salesman boyfriend selling out their relationship.
Episode 19
Calvin Fisk discovers his girlfriend seeking adulation from unavailable men.
Episode 20
Priscilla Mayberry finds out her tattoo artist boyfriend is using his needle to ink other women.
Episode 21
Travis Edens discovers his wife tending to his family's needs...just not in the way he expected.
Episode 22
Alisha Shelton uncovers her boyfriend's baby mama drama.
Episode 23
Josh Bastion discovers his wife's childlike behavior.
Episode 24
Jennifer Irving learns her boyfriend is making extra marital deposits.
Episode 25
Carly Carter discovers her bartender boyfriend concocting a toxic relationship on 'Cheaters.'
Episode 26
Antoinelle Slavin finds out her boyfriend is giving away freebies in order to get freebies.
Episode 27
Cody Harlton discovers his girlfriend plays fast and loose with his own cousin.
Episode 28
Brea DuMont finds out her salesman boyfriend has sold her out.
Episode 29
Charity Buck finds her boyfriend trading up for a younger model.
Episode 30
Christy Abshire discovers her boyfriend taking Christmas money and spending it on another woman.
Episode 31
Chelsea Phillips finds her boyfriend in a time warp with another woman.
Episode 32
Ebony Monroe discovers just what her boyfriend is hiding in his bedroom.
Episode 33
Seth Hughes discovers his wife dumping him for a dumpster diver.
Episode 34
Rena Tollins realizes her boyfriend's buddy 'Mo' is not what he seems.
Episode 35
Ethan Dalton learns that his girlfriend's musical career moves have included the horizontal mambo.
Episode 36
Jennifer Conner discovers her common-law husband in a sex shop with another woman.
Episode 37
Jessica York discovers her boyfriend has more than a gambling addiction. He has a cheating addiction, too!
Episode 38
Montrece Browder finds her mechanic boyfriend getting dirty under the hood of another woman.
Episode 39
Jerry Jameson learns his girlfriend's workout routine involves some heavy petting.
Episode 40
Lindsay Riviera discovers her barber boyfriend may be shaving too close to the edge.
Episode 41
Ashley Swanwick discovers his writer girlfriend blogging and snogging.
Episode 42
Sheila Hodges finds out her longtime relationship is not the only one for her boyfriend.
Episode 43
Nicole Mallory discovers her boyfriend's late shift involves another woman.
Episode 44
Sharon Waites finds out her boyfriend is ready to propose...but to another woman.