Power Rangers: Mystic Force
The powerful sorceress Udonna recruits a team of five teenagers, destined to become the Power Rangers Mystic Force, in order to face the evil Morticonleads and his army of darkness.
Broken Spell - Part 1
A spell has been broken and evil is emerging to destroy the Earth. The sorceress Udonna needs to find 5 teens from Briarwood to take on the powers of the warriors of the past to fight the evil.
Broken Spell - Part2
Xander, Vida, Chip, and Madison finally tap into their Mystic Force powers, but without a Red Ranger, Udonna and Clare know they are in trouble.
Code Busters
Chip and Vida think they can learn more spell codes by doing community service, but learn that real heroes are born in the face of danger.
Rock Solid
Nick thinks Madison is too shy. When she gets turned to stone, Nick finds out he's wrong.
Whispering Voices
The others think Nick stole some money. Nick hears voices in his head and finds out its Koragg. Koragg battles the Rangers and steals their Megazord power.
Legendary Catastros
While in battle, Nick is whisked away with Catastros to another dimension. He must face his fears of Catastros. In the end he ends up combining with Catastros to defeat the monster.
Fire Heart
Xander thinks he knows how to be a leader. When it comes to getting the Fire Heart before Necrolai, Xander has to follow in order to lead.
Stranger Within - Part 1
A new DJ, DJ Fly, comes to town. Chip finds out that DJ Fly is really turning the teens of Briarwood into vampires, including Vida. After destroying the Fly Trap Monster, the teens turn back to normal. All except Vida who still remains a vampire.
Stranger Within - Part 2
Fly Trap has been destroyed, but Vida is still a vampire. The Rangers find out that Necrolai is the vampire who bit Vida. Chip is determined to save her from being a vampire.
Petrified Xander
Xander has a big zit. He thinks he can get rid of it by using a perfection potion. Instead Xander starts turning into a tree. Vida has to help Xander and then the Rangers have to protect and figure out the secret of the Fire Heart.
The Gatekeeper - Part 1
Clare takes on the legacy of her mother as the Gatekeeper. Koragg captures Udonna. Necrolai is about to destroy the Rangers. Clare steps forward and the forces of evil use her to raise the gate.
The Gatekeeper - Part 2
The gates have been raised and Morticon is set free. Nick goes to save Clare while the others hold off Morticon. Clare uses the rest of her powers to lower the gates. The Rangers destroy Morticon with the help of the White Ranger.
Scaredy Cat
Necrolai gets the Rangers to break the force field of a magical cave. Inside the cave is a magical lamp and a petrified mummy. Jenji is found inside the lamp. Imperious is brought to life by Octomus.
Long Ago
Imperious turns into Calindor and tries to persuade Udonna into believing he can help the Mystic Force. The Rangers are busy trying to fight Jester.
Inner Strength
Daggeron teaches Xander that without practice, he can cause harm to the rest of the Rangers. Daggeron sends the teens to Shalifar to help Xander see the meaning of inner strength.
Soul Specter
Koragg decides it's time to fight Solaris Knight. Gnatu steals life force from civilians when the Rangers come to stop him.
Ranger Down
Jenji gets jealous of Fire Heart. He takes Fire Heart to live in the forest. When he goes back to find him, Fire Heart is gone. In the end, Jenji sees how selfish he was.
Dark Wish - Part 1
The Rangers get lazy and use their magic for everything. When fighting becomes too tiring for them, the Rangers want to use Jenji. Evil captures Jenji and wishes there were never any Power Rangers.
Dark Wish - Part 2
Imperious has wished the Power Rangers away. The world has lost its color and evil now rules. The Tribunal of Magic is the only entity that can reverse the wish. The teens go to the Tribunal of Magic and their request is denied.
Dark Wish - Part 3
The Tribunal of Magic has turned down the teens' request to restore things back to the way they were.
Koraggs Trial
Imperious makes Koragg stand trial for his countless failures. In the end, Koragg argues that he fights with honor. Imperious does not and should not be trusted. The master agrees and returns Koragg's power to him.
Heir Apparent - Part 1
Daggeron and Udonna finally tell the Rangers, in detail, the full story of the Great War... including revealing to them the stories of the sorcereress' husband, Leanbow, and long-lost son, Bowen.
Heir Apparent - Part 2
Koragg was really Leanbow all this time. Nick finds out he's really Leanbow and Udonna's son. In the end, Leanbow finishes what he started and goes down fighting the Master back into his hole.
The Light
With Udonna gone, Mystic Force faces a new terror. 10 Terrors rise against the Rangers. Magma is the first Terror the Rangers must face.
The Hunter
Oculus is chosen to capture the Light. He is able to take all the other Rangers down one by one. In order to defeat him, Nick must learn to connect with Fire Heart.
Hard Heads
Nick & Vida keep arguing. Hekatoid slimes them so they can't morph. As stubborn as they are, they need to learn to work together in order to save the others from Serpentina.
The Snow Prince
Leanbow is stopping the Master from rising and Sculpin has a plan to stop him. The Snow Prince commands that instead of being a teacher, Daggeron should take a lesson from Nick on following his gut.
Light Source - Part 1
Hekatoid has captured Udonna and the Rangers chase after him in his own dimension in order to rescue Nick's mom. Daggeron is in the real world trying to stop all the tadpoles Hekatoid has lain to destroy the world.
Light Source - Part 2
The teens lose their power trying to save Udonna.
The Return
Matoombo is chosen to bring forth the Master. But Matoombo doesn't want to hurt anyone. Vida teams up with him to try to seal the Master away forever.
Mystic Fate - Part 1
Itassis doesn't want to fight for the Master anymore and defies his wishes. The Master takes matters into his own hands and destroys Mystic Mother. The end of all good magic may be near.
Mystic Fate - Part 2
In the final confrontation with The Master, the Mystic Force has suffered great losses. With Daggeron and Leanbow defeated, the Rangers must use all their magic to try and save both the Surface World and the Magical Realm.