Mister Rogers' Neighborhood
For more than 30 years, MISTER ROGERS' NEIGHBORHOOD made kids feel like they were visiting with a trusted friend. The series explores early childhood themes through interactions with friends and visits to the Neighborhood of Make-Believe.
All About Hats
Mister Rogers and Mr. McFeely ride a bus and notice people wearing hats. Mayor Maggie wears a three-cornered hat and offers one to Queen Sara and King Friday. The King declares that everyone in the Neighborhood must wear these hats.
A Hat for Bob Dog
Bob Trow picks up the Bob Dog costume from Mister Rogers. Handyman Negri provides both royal birds with a three-cornered hat. Quickly finding a hat to fit Bob Dog, however, proves to be a bit more difficult.
Visit to a Church to Hear an Organist
Mister Rogers introduces Mr. Morrison, who is playing the organ. Neighbor Aber says that anytime someone says anything about three-cornered hats, Lady Elaine squirts them with her hose.
Walking with Crutches
Mister Rogers arrives with a pair of crutches and a cast. He shows how to walk with crutches. King Friday continues to insist that everyone wear a "three-cornered one." Betty Okonak Templeton finds a loophole in King Friday's command.
Colonial Williamsburg Millinery Shop
At the Colonial Williamsburg Millinery Shop, Mister Rogers wears 18th century clothing. Mayor Maggie informs King Friday that those in Westwood are planning to take off their three-cornered hats.
A Map of the World
Mister Rogers shows a map of the world and explains that the blue part of the map is water and the rest is land. Mr. McFeely stops at the tree with a delivery for Cousin Mary. Dan Kamin arrives as a mime and tries to help Mr. McFeely.
All About Going Away & Coming Back
Mister Rogers visits with paramedics who show him an ambulance and some of the equipment they use.
Watching Basketball
Mister Rogers and Marilyn Barnett go to see her students play basketball in wheelchairs. Lady Elaine Fairchilde and cousin Mary Owl find a piece of paper that mentions a secret tunnel.
All About Tunnels
Mister Rogers shows a piece of plastic pipe and talks about tunnels. Mr. McFeely shows up with a video of him driving his car through a car wash. Cousin Mary Owl believes a tunnel may exist under Henrietta Pussycat's and X the Owl's tree.
How a Backhoe Digs
Chuck Aber demonstrates a small backhoe. Lady Aberlin has a fan, a flashlight and a measuring tape for the owls to use when they go into the tunnel. Mr. McFeely shares a video about how people make tortilla chips.