Z Nation
In the midst of a devastating zombie apocalypse, a team of everyday heroes must transport the only known survivor of the virus across the country to the last functioning viral lab.
Warren's Dream
Two years later, things have gotten worse: Warren's apocalyptic dreams continue while the group fights MAD-Zs.
Escape from Zona
Driven by her dream of a black rainbow and flesh-eating rain, Warren and Murphy escape Zona.
The Vanishing
When Sun Mei and Red vanish, the group must decide whether to keep looking for them or press on to Newmerica.
A New Mission: Keep Moving
Following Warren's dream, the team doesn't stop while crossing a seemingly endless landscape of destruction.
The Unknowns
The team is captured by a mysterious entity and enslaved in an elaborate underground facility.
Back from the Undead
Lucy fights to save Murphy's life, while Warren and the others battle a biologically modified zombie.
Warren's Wedding
Warren is unable to stop Murphy and the others from committing an atrocity as misplaced revenge.
Crisis of Faith
Warren and the group encounter a mysterious stranger who they think is a grave robber.
We Interrupt This Program
The group explores an abandoned TV station while seeking a way to contact Kaya at camp Northern Light.
In Chicago, Doc and Murphy encounter a mysterious — and murderous — group, including Sketchy and Skeezy.
Return to Mercy Labs
The group returns to Mercy Labs, where they first met The Man, to retrieve another item from Warren's dreams.
Mt. Weather
At Mount Weather, the group learns the thumb print of the president is necessary to achieve Warren's goal.
The Black Rainbow
The team arrives in Washington, D.C. and the secret of Warren's dreams is revealed.